

More Info on Lumia 822 for Verizon; Rumored at $49.99

| October 14, 2012 | 10 Replies

The folks over at wmpoweruser have gotten their hands on a couple more images of the heavily rumored/leaked Verizon variant of the Lumia 820/810 currently going under the name Lumia 822. A direct quote from the tipster at WMP:

In terms of Windows 8, on the device Bing Maps will be branded Nokia Maps.  Nokia Drive can download over 55 voices, including “surfer dude”. Documents can be shared via Bluetooth, tap2send, or outlook, and photos via tap2send, Bluetooth, messaging, outlook, Facebook, LinkedIn, OneNote and twitter.

When application are tapped and held, besides pinning to the start screen one can also now pin to Kids Corner. Windows Phone 7 apps work flawlessly.

When connected to a Windows 7 PC the device is not recognized, and is not mounted as a removable drive. Zune also does not recognize it.

Voice dictation in email works very well, but there is no obvious way to send an email completely hands-free.

The 16 GB handset has a microSD card slot. The device does feature wireless charging, but the shell is not removable or replaceable. The handset feels plasticky, much like the HTC Trophy, and is somewhat taller and wider, and will retail for only $49.99.

Does this mean that WP8 devices are incompatible with Windows 7 and earlier? I hope not since that would be incredibly stupid (A repetition of the same mistake made with WP7 and Macs)- I’m more likely to chalk this down as due to pre-final version of the OS as well as incomplete driver compatibility *fingers crossed*. One feature I really want to see in WP8 is full OFFLINE voice dictation IN ALL APPS, not just the search engine as it is now; hopefully we’ll see that soon as it seems to have appeared in the email app. regardign the pricing $49.99 sounds quite attractive, however I’m not sure what the price range of medium-specced Android devices are in the US (I’m assuming alot of them are free?). With a price range of the 822 at $50 I think it’s safe to assume that the 920 will retail for a bit higher than the Lumia 900 initially did (gut feeling is around $150).

*Side-note what the hell is Nokia Maps + Alpha?



Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.