

Video: Nokia Lumia 920 sample video, macro and Nokia Lumia 820 gig recording

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments


Couple of sample videos. Here’s a nice one recorded by TechRadar on the Nokia Lumia 920, with low light night (fireworks), close up macro, subway etc. The videos are looking nice and sharp in Macro with quick focusing.


Next up a recording of a gig by the Nokia Lumia 820.

Accept performing Metal Heart in Tampere (Pakkahuone), Finland during their show 6th of November 2012.

Accept are:
Mark Tornillo – Lead Vocals
Wolf Hoffmann – Guitars
Herman Frank – Guitars
Peter Baltes – Bass
Stefan Schwarzmann – Drums

Video taken with Nokia Lumia 820 phone. Unbelievable band, amazing song and amazing sound quality for a phone! Yes, I am a Nokia employee but I (and my friends) can guarantee that this is not a tweaked video! I had continuous auto focus on, which caused some problems with flashing lights. Now it’s turned off for the next shots 😉


Thanks Antti for the tip!



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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