

Video: PhotoBeamer for Nokia Lumia (WP8)

| December 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

I was planning to demo the PhotoBeamer app after Ali posted about it but my schedule got a bit tight last week.

Fortunately, there’s already a video demo of PhotoBeamer, Nokia’s share on any screen photo app.

First up, installation is by the QR codes. Simple.

Next, go on and scan that QR Code with the app open. You’ll then see options to open albums. Without any set up, any special TV receiving devices, specific WiFi connections etc, your pictures will appear on the screen that was on PhotoBeamer.

It’s basically uploading your pictures but the swipe delay between photos feels like it’s a local over the air thing, as can be seen in the live demo below. Larger pictures may take a longer time to upload initially but once done, swiping is at a similar speed. You can only view the pictures, there’s no zooming in on a photo.


I’ll try and demo this myself.


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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