

GSM Arena’s Nokia Lumia 920 Review and Battery Test – The Best Windows Phone on the Market

| December 5, 2012 | 0 Comments


The much awaited GSM Arena Review of the Nokia Lumia 920 is available as well as their battery test. Thanks everyone for sending this in. Apologies I couldn’t post it up any sooner, I’ve had no internet at work. I know, how do I cope, right?

Anyway, the review of the 920 is in the link below:

  • If there’s one thing that can make you forgive the Nokia Lumia 920’s less than stellar use of the available space, it’s the build and finish. 
  • The Lumia 920 looks and feels every bit the flagship part, with the polycarbonate unibody and the curved display working extremely well together.
  • It’s hard to say if the Nokia Lumia 920 is the best looking smartphone out there, but it’s certainly in the running.

Camera section is on this page:

Battery test:

Cheers everyone for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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