

BGR: Windows Phone already threatening iPhone in Southern Europe

| December 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2012-12-22 at 07.29.27BGR reports on KantarWorldPanel’s findings and concludes that Windows Phone is gaining traction in Southern Europe. As Nokia is finding it nigh on impossible to meet the demand for the 920, bringing down prices of the previous generation handsets has at least been able to attract a lot of first time buyers or those looking for budget friendly smartphones.

Windows already threatening iPhone in Southern Europe


In Italy, WP marketshare has shot up to 11.8% in November, prior to availability of the 920, narrowing iOS’s lead as it slips down to 20.6%.

Whilst it’s great that there is some positive sign at the expense of iOS is a small number of regions, we’ve also got to worry about the looming reach of Droid everywhere (which has gotten so big now that big G can give the middle finger to Windows so that by January, GMAIL stops working on them.) BGR says the low end version is what’s driving Droid sales (And preventing the potential growth of iOS in places like Southern Europe, Latin America and parts of Asia)

In Spain, BGR says WP ‘vaulted’ from 0.4% to 3%, iOS ‘faded’ to 4.4%. Not massive but progress nonetheless.

We noted before whilst looking at Statcounter’s data that Android was low and flat line for a while before taking off. We’re hoping somewhat the same for Windows Phone but it will be a lot harder given the competition is much stronger (they only had to deal with Symbian, something both iOS and Android made look rather outdated).

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Speaking of Statcounter, it shows WP making small but steady progress in UK too. I’m seeing quite a lot more 800/610/710 in the hands of the public thanks to Nokia’s Christmas promotions. Android continues to grow in Britain, whilst iOS maintains the top spot. WP’s growth is at the expense of BlackBerry. BB10’s delay may have allowed for breather or two but may pose quite some danger for Lumia as the UK is very BB friendly (well, the physical keyboarded version anyway).

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In the US, nothing much going on. iPhone is as popular as ever. But S40 is catching on (note S40 was only separately counted since April).

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In Frane, iOS declines in favour of Android, though iOS is still number 1.  WP slowly growing in France.

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Note that whilst KantarWorldPanel says Italy’s marketshare is 11.8% (WP), it only translates around 4.7% in Statcounter, as of course, statcounter is measured against ALL devices in use (to extrapolate web usage and thus phone OS) and not sales.

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Since May, Android has overtaken iOS in Germany and has maintained a good lead. WP is a very distant third.

Finland continues to Love Lumia. Now if only we can see this in the future in more regions.

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Cheers Matthijs for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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