

Video: Nokia Lumia 920 vs Samsung Galaxy Camera (920 wins in low light tests! 808 comparison coming soon)

| January 23, 2013 | 8 Replies


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The Nokia 808 PureView was a bit of a beast when compared to the dedicated digicam, the Samsung Galaxy Camera – a smartphone holding its own and even besting in parts, the South Korean camera.

But that was the very camera centric Nokia 808 PureView, with 5 years of technology in PureView V1, class leading optics, and an unbelievable 41MP sensor that was 3.5x the size of that found in the Galaxy Camera. No wonder the Nokia was producing such high quality images.

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But how about the new Nokia Lumia 920? This camera is intended more for the mass market (and the daylight pics have faced somewhat of a hiccup until Portico brought it almost back to how Engadget first saw it). Pocketnow knows that these two are completely different devices – a smartphone with a camera (which is even less of a focus on it, unlike the 808) and a camera lumped with Android. But still, a comparison is interesting.

I agree completely about the anorexic camera UI. It has always been the only part of WP UI that caused me most agony. It’s improved over WP7.5 but seriously, not enough. It’s missing bits and is oddly too convoluted that way.

In places where the Nokia Lumia loses is where possibly the 808 would have handled itself better, such as defending the name of “digital zoom” because Nokia has the ONLY phone that has usable digital zoom in stills.

Nokia Lumia 920 however, specialised for night shots beats the Galaxy Camera as it would any other smartphone.   Even when the Galaxy Camera was put in night mode, it could not grab as much detail. The 920 in night mode was said to have looked like a light was turned on.

Both are said to shine in the daylight with the Lumia sometimes bringing warmer colours. Indoor is somewhat inconsistent apparently, and more so that the Lumia can apparently produce sharper shots if you can keep it still.

A big surprise they found in video is that the audio is apparently more ‘robust’ on the galaxy camera. Interesting. We’re yet to find an integrated solution better than the 808 and the 920 is a mono version. I’m not sure if anything was mentioned regarding quality of video. The Galaxy Camera looked surprisingly shaky and seemed to suffer that constant AF pulsing even worse than the 920.

Michael notes that this may not be the PureView vs Galaxy Camera test that you were looking for, acknowledging the contender in the 808. Stay tuned as PocketNow will be putting the REAL beast from Nokia, the 808 PureView, against the Galaxy Camera.



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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