

Strategy Analytics: WP overtakes BlackBerry and becomes 3rd platform in US for Q4 2012?

| February 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

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I’m as surprised to read this as you might be, but apparently in the US, Windows Phone overtook BlackBerry in Q4 2012 marketshare.

“Microsoft Windows Phone overtook BlackBerry OS to become the third largest smartphone platform in the influential United States market during Q4 2012. It was the first time Microsoft has surpassed Blackberry since 2006. Meanwhile, Android lost share in annual terms for the first time ever. Are we now at “peak Android”? Which hardware vendors dominate the Microsoft and Android smartphone ecosystems today?”


New WP8’s from Nokia (even with “supply issues”) and delayed BB10 launch may have afforded Nokia and MS an extra gasp of breath but now BB10 is released, competition from Android gets tougher too. MS and Nokia need to pull something huge out of the bag at MWC, and Nokia needs to make sure they MAKE enough of these highly demanded devices and MARKET them properly.

Strategy AnalyticsVia: BGR Via: WPC


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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