

GSM Arena reviews the Nokia Lumia 520 – “Best Buys…can’t match the Finnish value for money”

| April 17, 2013 | 8 Replies

Screen Shot 2013-04-17 at 16.24.35The Nokia Lumia 620 wowed all with it’s high end approach to the entry level smartphone. At MWC Nokia pushed that further, not with new flagships but higher quality than normal entry and mid range devices.

The Nokia Lumia 520 is the most affordable WP8 phone, but is it simply just cheap? No – GSM Arena calls it Best Buys, comparing it against the likes of the 8S from HTC which has similar specs, GSM Arena says copypasta can’t match the Finnish value for money. Not simply the hardware alone, but Nokia’s suite of exclusive apps.

Cheers Lud and Alvester for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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