Nokia Lumia 925 Commercial: Don’t Flash; Amaze

| June 21, 2013 | 0 Comments


The latest Nokia commercial is slightly “weird” in fact it doesn’t seem to be a Nokia commercial as the 925 is only in focus for a few precious seconds; on the other hand the zombie iPhone 5 users are quite obvious front and center.

At first I thought it was showing all the hidden secrets of the night that you can reveal with the 925’s low light camera, then I realized that those “zombies” are probably just how ugly those low light pictures come out as (I think that was the message right?)


While the video is funny in a way, I still think Nokia needs to get better ads. The Lumia 920 ad (where they showed of PureMotion HD+, and Qi Wireless Charging etc) was good! Felt they would continue the style of showing off features by literally listing them and what they do, instead of trying to be witty.



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

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