

Weekend Watch: Chris Pirillo with Nokia Lumia 1020 influencer pack unboxing

| August 17, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Another one of those Influencer packs from Nokia US made its way to LockerGnome, Chris Pirillo. He’s very open minded about all mobile OSes and already has a few Lumias at hand.

Interestingly he tries to set up the 1020 on camera. Not ideal as he already mentions one of his grips is requiring to log in to a Microsoft account without the phone letting you connect to WiFi first (it works ok if you have a SIM but annoying oversight by MS). You could alternatively SKIP all this after you’ve connected.

Another set back, the camera doesn’t seem to work properly for Chris with regards to flare he’s getting whilst taking pictures with flash. Hopefully he gets some actual use time with the 1020 in various conditions to see what everyone sees about the camera in the 1020.


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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