

Nokia’s Refocus, explained and demoed

| October 30, 2013 | 7 Replies

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Nokia’s liking the whole pictures in pictures thing. Reframing in the likes of the 1020/1520/808 and with the refocus ability, different subjects in focus.

Subjects can be in various depth ranges and you tap where that object you want in focus to be, and the image will readjust in front of you, as if you were there. Lytro style but done with software.

It’s not just about you as a photographer refocusing but later your friends on sites like facebook (it would be cool if you could do that with the 1020’s images. i.e. someone reframes online though given that the 5MP versions are the ones for sharing, the Nokia brain team would have to work out some solution there).

An interesting feature in refocus that I didn’t have with the app version we found (independent from Nokia?) is recombining the photos to make EVERYTHING in focus. As well as refocusing and having all in focus, you can even play with colours, so that what you touch stays in colour and everything else goes black and white (and out of focus!). This is the computational photography that Jo Harlow mentioned a while ago.


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Everything in focus. Super EDOF:

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You can see this on video (as well as the improved OIS on the 1520) below.

WMExperts· via Reddit


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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