

Nokia’s HERE Maps to power Tizen

| November 11, 2013 | 51 Replies

Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 18.11.26Remember Tizen? Nokia and Intel merged Maemo and Moblin to create MeeGo. When MeeGo got abandoned, Intel got working with Samsung, kinda merging Bada with MeeGo to make Tizen. Though technically there isn’t anything MeeGo in Tizen (unlike perhaps, Sailfish).

The purpose of Tizen is to give Samsung the legs to walk away from big old Google. Samsung’s already quite big enough, and will get even larger, so it makes sense that they seek to be fully independent.

Another step towards moving away from google is switching mapping services. HERE Maps will be powering Tizen.

Imagine if Samsung suddenly switched all their Galaxy line to Tizen? The upside to Android is that it’s now quite mature and has apps. The latter would probably the deciding factor for buyers (what if Tizen could run Android apps?). Other than that, the Samsung/Galaxy brand are more than enough to sway a consumer versus the Moto/LG/HTC/Sony handsets. Then all of that powered by HERE Maps.

Cheers Edi for the tip!



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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