

Raised camera for Microsoft Lumia 1330, Cyan back cover

| January 1, 2015 | 6 Replies

1330 cyan

What we’re looking at is possibly the Microsoft Lumia 1330, the rumoured successor of the 1320.

This is just the back cover. Note the Zeiss and Microsoft branding.  Does it really need both the Windows and Microsoft logo next to each other? I’m sure one or the other would do. Especially if you’ve already plastered the front as well.

The automatic translation suggested that it’s smaller than the 1520; shorter by 5mm and narrower by 4mm. This may follow the rumours that the 1330 has a slightly smaller, 5.7″ screen.

The camera portion is more prominently raised than what was seen in the 1320. A little bit more like the 1520, 925 in that sense. The translation said the quality would be better than that seen in the 830 (which had ‘PureView’ in the new slim, 10MP form). Hopefully if they share the processor, the extra MP in the 1330 won’t be too much to make an impact on camera performance.

Below you can see a size comparison with the 5″ 535.cover 1330

At first glance I thought it was a super cyan chin inspired by the HTC Hero.


Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Windows Phone

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