

Nokia Smartphones to appear in Europe Q2 2017, Clove UK says June

| March 21, 2017 | 11 Comments

The likes of the Nokia 3, 5, and 6 are expected to be available second half of Q2 2017 according to NokiaMob. Info is from Tomislav Himbele, Head of Marketing for Eastern Europe at HMD Global.

I read it initially as second half of 2017 and that really made me feel like the old Nokia was back making phones again (aka massive delay from announcement to availability).

Mid-May to early June might be expected dates. That’s still a couple of months or three of waiting. I checked to see when they might be coming to the UK (if they haven’t already, as I’ve been mega busy at work and may have missed some news). Clove UK have a landing page for the 6 expected in June. I don’t know if they already set that information themselves.

I feel there’s been a massive void between announcement and availability. I don’t think the Chinese version of the Nokia 6 waited this long to be in consumer hands?

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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