

Video: New Xbox LIVE dashboard update with Nokia Lumia 800 adverts

| December 7, 2011 | 17 Replies

Xbox sent an email saying that there’s updates happening today. I think there were reports yesterday of some users getting it on Engadget.

Today, new features for entertainment, music, and games will come to Xbox LIVE — including full Kinect for Xbox 360 integration

So fired up the thing and lo and behold there’s an update. The new layout is very kinect friendly. Before there was another layout if you accessed Kinect (giving a wave).

  • The new layout is tile filled, with squares and rectangles, more Metro like to ease users into Windows 8 and Windows Phone perhaps. It’s very clean.
  • Kinect starts up much faster.
  • You’ve got the layout demoed at E3, with bing voice for searching Xbox related content and an app marketplace (though it says coming soon on most things this Winter).
The most important thing of course is that there’s a Nokia Lumia advert there. There’s portions at each section where there’s an advert and it cycles to different ones every now and again.

Clicking on the Lumia ad brings up the Amazing Every Day advert.

There are how many Xbox users? How many are being shown the phone experience is through the Nokia Lumia? Great stuff.

BTW anyone here using/used kinect? I thought this was going to be like a crap mix of Eye toy and Wii fun kids only gaming but it’s actually amazing and extremely engaging (well, the titles and labs stuff I’ve used). The last thing I thought I’d enjoy playing with friends is Dance Central but it’s always a crowd pleaser. The sensor is so accurate, knowing where your limbs are and where your whole body is in relation to space around you. It means that you will run around, you will move, you will sweat and it can get really competitive (though watch out, you will need space and you may stomp or get stomped on). A lot of the gestures are pretty cool – menu movement with waves and flicks, to in game voice.

Natural movements like putting your hands over your head will zoom in golf, or kneeling down to the floor will change your view as your putting. I think it depends a lot too on how well the developer utilises kinect. There are fun stuff in the Kinect labs where you can take your every day objects and turn them into 3D beings, Fighters etc (it’s pretty random watching your shoe fight your camera). It’s nice not having to use the controller and a lot of fun interacting with games in a new way (though understandable for traditional games you still have to).

I’m obviously a Kinect noob praising the thing so late on. I’ve never tried it properly until a couple or so weeks ago. It would be interesting to see how Kinect for PC works, especially on a Windows 8 interface. It works really well on Xbox, and you don’t have to stand up really, it works just the same sitting down (the menu anyway, you can’t play other kinect games sitting down). You can use one hand or two hands to navigate the dashboard. I used two because I wanted to reminisce the whole Minority Report thing. The Wii is indeed very dusty.

Searching the web to see when abouts the Lumia ads appeared on Xbox, Mark from TheNokiaBlog posted about the Lumia on the Xbox before the new dashboard update arrived.

The only thing I don’t really like is the ‘deeper facebook integration’. Haha, only because you can look like such an idiot during the in game moments where it might take videos/pictures of you (though they’re almost always hilarious and great to take the p** between you and your friends.) But you can leave that off (God knows what it might post automatically, like what Spotify has been doing, sharing the random guilty pleasure songs, lolol)

Ahh…my virtual xbox friends list is at 0. Forever alone hahaha.


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Video

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