Leaked Verizon Documents Showing Off Wireless Charging for HTC 8X -More Copying?

| November 4, 2012 | 67 Replies

It’s common knowledge that the new line of HTC phones are almost blatant rip-offs of the Lumia Fabula design, using similar vibrant colors, with unibody designs (although admittedly I like the idea of a rubberized back). It’s possible though that this imitation has gone a step further; as both the Verge and a leaked document shows wireless charging built into the HTC 8x, which is slightly confusing.

If the 8x has had wireless charging all along why haven’t HTC announced this feature before? Especially when Nokia were making alot of noise about it? My personal theory is that the wireless charging is an idea “pinched” by Nokia and will be exclusive to their Verizon variant; especially since the 920 was announced almost 2 weeks before the 8X, more than enough time for some last minute changes. Either way similar specs will have the benefit of  driving the price down, so it’s not all bad news right?


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.