

Lumiappdates: PDF Reader for WP8 updated again? (08/02/2013)

| February 8, 2013 | 4 Replies

Screen Shot 2013-02-08 at 14.29.21

The PDF reader just got updated again. I’m not sure if this is any different other than the date it was last updated. Perhaps a minor bug fix?

It’s fine for the usual set of PDFs except huge 1000+page 100+mb textbooks. That doesn’t seem to be something a lot of you guys do apparently. I’m redownloading the same book to my 800 as I know I’ve got some textbooks on there which it can open with Adobe reader (though those textbooks are “only” 600 pages).

Update: Nah, 800 wouldn’t download.

Update: PDF Reader WILL open large textbooks on the 920. But it will take 30-60 seconds to do so which is a bit annoying. Being able to jump to a page number works quickly enough though. Due to the 768×1280 screen, it is possible to read the whole textbook without zooming in. And it crashed. :/







Category: Applications, Nokia

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