
Category: Applications

Nokia Announces PhotoBeamer, Instantly Share Photos on ANY Screen

Nokia Announces PhotoBeamer, Instantly Share Photos on ANY Screen

| November 30, 2012 | 36 Replies

Advertisements Nokia have just announced a new app for WP8 devices called “PhotoBeamer” which allows you to share the photos on your phone with any screen as long as it’s browser supported. Setting it up couldn’t be any easier, simply go to and scan the QR code on the browser with your phone, after which […]

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Whatsapp Screwed Up for All; Don’t Fall for Spam Messages

Whatsapp Screwed Up for All; Don’t Fall for Spam Messages

| November 29, 2012 | 12 Replies

Whastsapp is having some server issues leading to all contact statuses being set as “Error: Status Unavailable”. However they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix, so no need to fall for the cahin whatsapps stating that it’s shutting down or becoming paid or whatever other BS some troll comes up with.   WhatsApp status […]

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Nokia City Lens updated to 1.5 Beta for WP7 Lumia

Nokia City Lens updated to 1.5 Beta for WP7 Lumia

| November 28, 2012 | 4 Replies

Pino has posted on Nokia Conversations that Nokia City Lens has received a beta update, for the Lumia 710, 800 and 900 (610 does not have a compass). With the update, it brings the ability to “freeze” the viewfinder, display only results in your line of sight (for certain cities), and also pinning individual categories […]

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University Students in Finland Send a Lumia 920 into Space, Giving you the Chance to win the Worlds only Lumia 920 Space Edition

University Students in Finland Send a Lumia 920 into Space, Giving you the Chance to win the Worlds only Lumia 920 Space Edition

| November 22, 2012 | 17 Replies

Earlier today Nokia  students from a Finnish university tied a lumia 920 onto a weather balloon, sent it 30Km into the air creating the worlds first (and only) Lumia 920 space edition. Whoever collects the Lumia on its descent is free to keep it (provided it doesn’t end up in some sea); although it’s possible the balloon has already […]

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Nokia Release File Sending via NFC App for WP8 Lumias – YouSendIt

Nokia Release File Sending via NFC App for WP8 Lumias – YouSendIt

| November 21, 2012 | 6 Replies

Nokia has released another Lumia exclusive app, called YouSendIt. This Lumia exclusive is only compatible with WP8 devices, as it requires NFC to transfer the files. Here is what the app description says on the WP Marketplace: WHAT YOUSENDIT USERS SAY “Being a contractor, many files (drawings, blueprints, pictures) are too large to just email. […]

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App Alert: Mirror’s Edge Free for Lumia Devices

App Alert: Mirror’s Edge Free for Lumia Devices

| November 20, 2012 | 12 Replies

Nokia Exlcusive app developed in partnership with EA games, “Mirror’s Edge” is currently free for Lumia devices. Previously the app was priced at $2.99 so get it while you can. And check out our Video Review of the game down below: Direct Link:   Thanks for the tip Ravo 🙂

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Video: Here Maps for iOS Vs. WP/Lumia 900

Video: Here Maps for iOS Vs. WP/Lumia 900

| November 20, 2012 | 15 Replies

Here’s a brief look at Here/Nokia maps on iOS vs. the “optimal Mapping experience” on WP: As a quick recap the main advantages of a WP/Lumia device (WP8) are: Maps are loaded on the devices themselves, accessible by all apps; leading to smoother loadings and data savings iOS/Android only have turn by turn navigation for […]

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Nokia releases HERE Maps for iOS

Nokia releases HERE Maps for iOS

| November 20, 2012 | 97 Replies

Quick post. Nokia (or should I say HERE) have release HERE Maps for iOS. The iTunes store description is as follows: HERE Maps helps you feel like a local anywhere you go. See where you are, search and discover nearby places, and get a feel for the place. Collect places to remember or for later […]

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Homebrew: Windows Phone Notification centre

Homebrew: Windows Phone Notification centre

| November 18, 2012 | 12 Replies

Over at WPH, Jaxbot has embarked on a new project, creating a central hub for notifications on WP. It is still in infancy, but it is quite promising. Due to it’s young state, it isn’t public just yet, but this proves that a Notification Hub is not impossible for WP. It simply centralises all the […]

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