
Search Results for 'Phone Number '

50 million Windows Phone users at the end of 2013?

50 million Windows Phone users at the end of 2013?

| January 30, 2014 | 100 Replies

Advertisements Extracted from data from Adduplex, there may have been as much as 50 million WP users in the world by the end of 2013. It’s a relatively big number for WP. That might be Nokia’s old smartphone numbers in a couple of quarters (and a fraction of Android/iOS) but nothing to scoff at. Definitely […]

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Video: Keyboard typing tips for Windows Phone

Video: Keyboard typing tips for Windows Phone

| January 19, 2014 | 10 Replies

I thought I knew the WP keyboard quite well but I didn’t know about the swipe numbers thing (or perhaps forgotten it :/). It’s similar to swiping quick symbols when holding and ‘swyping’ to another punctuation but from the numbers end. But actually works better as you don’t have to ‘wait and hold’ you just […]

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WP Outselling iPhone in 24 Countries, 2nd Most Popular OS in 14 Countries.

WP Outselling iPhone in 24 Countries, 2nd Most Popular OS in 14 Countries.

| January 7, 2014 | 194 Replies

We’ve heard multiple different stories about how Windows Phone (and Nokia of course) were gaining traction world-wide, most of these included outselling the iPhone, while Android remained dominant. Now Microsoft have shared some official numbers, which state that Windows Phone has been outselling the iPhone in 24 countries, and has even achieved #2 position in […]

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Jolla outsells iPhone 5S and 5C at Finnish DNA, 8/10 phones for Elisa Corporate customers were Nokia devices

Jolla outsells iPhone 5S and 5C at Finnish DNA, 8/10 phones for Elisa Corporate customers were Nokia devices

| January 2, 2014 | 96 Replies

Janne’s got some good news perhaps for fans of Jolla. Over at DNA, it has become the 5th top selling phone, better than iPhone 5S and 5C. As usual, this being Finland, we have to consider the usual as we did for Nokia, which included 1) small population size 2) possible affinity for Finnish things. […]

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MNB RG: Latest StatCounter in Finland, Series 40 anomaly fixed and how has D&S sale affected the numbers

MNB RG: Latest StatCounter in Finland, Series 40 anomaly fixed and how has D&S sale affected the numbers

| December 9, 2013 | 3 Replies

It’s been a while since we looked at Statcounter, so here’s Janne checking up on how it’s doing now the S40 glitch is ‘fixed’. Cheers Janne! _____ We have been following Nokia’s adventures on StatCounter e.g. in Finland to gather some input into how the “installed base” evolves, through web usage proxy measurement. One baffling […]

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Nokia Officially 4th Largest Smartphone Brand in US, Ahead of HTC, Motorola and Blackberry

Nokia Officially 4th Largest Smartphone Brand in US, Ahead of HTC, Motorola and Blackberry

| November 1, 2013 | 47 Replies

The big news in Nokia’s Q3 earnings reports wasn’t just the record number of Lumias shipped; but instead the increased foothold Nokia managed to gain in the US. Now it seems that Nokia has officially achieved the 4th place spot in the US of A in terms of smartphone sales, with 4.1% of the smartphone […]

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MNB RG: Windows Phone gaining market share in Estonia

MNB RG: Windows Phone gaining market share in Estonia

| October 21, 2013 | 2 Replies

Estonia (Finland’s southern neighbour) is a pretty small market and so isn’t usually reported on, but I thought I’d share some info about how Windows Phone is doing here. The info comes from two of our biggest carriers: – Tele2 Estonia reports that as of August, WP accounted for 8% of sales, up from […]

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Windows Phone moves up to Second place in Taiwan, edging out iPhone

Windows Phone moves up to Second place in Taiwan, edging out iPhone

| September 23, 2013 | 8 Replies

WP has apparently shifted up slightly to second place in Taiwan, surpassing that of iPhone. That sounds good as WP is displacing iPhone in a growing number of regions. However, it is worth noting that first place Android has a massive chunk. 97%! WP achieves 2% which only just pushes iPhone aside. Fingers crossed there’s […]

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TheTelegraph: Windows Phone and iOS surge as Android (and BlackBerry) shrinks in Europe

TheTelegraph: Windows Phone and iOS surge as Android (and BlackBerry) shrinks in Europe

| September 2, 2013 | 17 Replies

TheTelegraph reports on KantarWorldPanel’s findings that Windows Phone seems to be making more gains in Europe. In the “big 5” WP thanks to Nokia’s dedication hits 8.2%, “emerging as a key player in the smartphone race”. Constant, steady growth is always welcome to see. Windows Phone’s growth apparently comes mainly from convincing first time buyers […]

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