

N97 Failed Boot up/Hard Reset Problem Fixed by new firmware update V21.0.045?!

| February 2, 2010 | 14 Replies

Seems the numeric reversal of V12 to V21 isn’t all that was reversed. The Hard Reset problem initially appearing with V12 – for me anyways – might now be gone! Thanks firmware update team!


A hard reset maybe something you’ll need if you need if you need to:

  • Wipe the phone memory (selling it on/sending to Nokia Care)
  • Escape failed boot up (due to a number of problems)

Unfortunately, many N97 users had experienced problems with their N97/N97 mini failing to turn back on! There was one solution: The hard reset. But that meant wiping out your phone memory. A backup helped, and most content is still in mass memory, but it was annoying having to set certain things back up, such as menu folder rearrangement.

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Needless to say, this problem caused unecessary frustration amongst a lot of people. Myself included. I think 75% of my frustration with N97 was failed-boot-related, rather than actual annoyances with the phone or S60 5th)

I thought it was a hardware problem. But I never, ever got around to sending my N97 off to repair/swap (I just didn’t want the hassle of having to get app IMEI licences switched). I read somewhere though that it was a problem with how the music database was organized, and that it was failing to bootup because it was trying to fix it (or words to that effect).

Hero: V21.0.045

With V21, as well as other improvements, the music player was supposedly improved (I was hoping that meant a database fix). I didn’t notice the boot up being fixed because it seemed to be stuck on the Nokia logo. (Anything past 45 seconds and I assumed it needed a restart) Actually, it just turns out that instead of the previous 2834 (v10/v11) second startup, it now takes 50 seconds.. (I was never able to make V12, and so V20 startup tests as v12 was when I encountered the failed bootup problem)

I don’t mind my N97 taking a little longer to start up, now that I know it will DEFINITELY start up.

The only thing I did notice is that my menu was reset back to the original layout. It’s early days yet to see if that will be a problem if I reorganize the menu again. Let’s just hope this is the final fix of the failed boot up/forced hard reset problems!!!

Has V21 fixed the failed bootup problem for you?


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Category: 5th Edition, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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