Video Demo: Nokia Panorama on the Nokia N8
Last week we saw that Nokia Panorama was available on the Ovi Store for the Nokia N8.
Below is a video demo shot by nuuneoi from showing “Nokia Panorama” in action.
Apps like Morpho Panorama use “sweep” – possibly the easiest method where you just sweep from left to right with no pausing or thought as to whether your picture is aligned – much like taking a video. Samples this way though may suffer from different light exposures, and quality may suffer.
Other PanoApps may require you to manually align one photo after the next, pressing a button each time.
“Nokia Panorama” seems to be the stop gap in between these types of Panorama apps. You sweep the camera and after the first picture, an overlay appears where you can align the camera. BUT, you don’t have to manually shoot as the app takes a photo automatically ONCE aligned.
Processing takes a fair few seconds (not an instant result) but the final photograph is quite incredible.
On his site, N8Lover, you can see that like Damien’s Sample the panorama appears seamless (and in much better quality than Quick Panorama)
Via nuuneoi
Category: Applications, Freeware, Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Symbian^3, Video
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