

New Firmware for Nokia N8/Symbian^3 PR1.1 coming in a couple of weeks? New Browser?

| November 17, 2010 | 0 Comments

Your N8 may be receiving a firmware update in a couple of weeks time according to resident Nokia guru alex68

That’s the same guy who’s shown us the new browser, dragable homescreen and portrait QWERTY keyboard (as well as other Nokia info). So he’s seated himself quite a reputation.

Currently we’re on firmware 1.0. But look at the comment on Andre’s post yesterday about Engadget Editor In Chief being saved by the Nokia N8 (above screenshot):

Alex68 doesn’t want to spoil all the secrets, but he does mention that the new update will bring:

If you guys don’t believe my “by the year end”, wait and see…

  • Alex says don’t expect anything revolutionary in this update yet.

The Major N8 update might be the one coming next year. (Which Alex adds will bring lots of themes)

So what do you think the other “secrets” maybe? :p

So two weeks. .That’s around early December (1st in fact, from today but around that day because it doesn’t mean EXACTLY a couple of weeks). Alex notes that the E7 will have the new firmware at release (which is also expected to be December 2010, further strengthening the notion of a firmware update before the year’s end).

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Category: Nokia, Symbian

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