

Nokia X7 no longer coming to AT&T? Was named “Nokia Journey”

| January 16, 2011 | 41 Replies

The folks at PocketNow are saying that the X7 they mentioned coming to AT&T has now been cancelled.

Apparently it was due a day before MWC (i.e. 13th February) and not by January as they mentioned but now their source claims it is cancelled.

Well, that doesn’t mean it’s not coming to the rest of the world, it just means not for USA through AT&T. So, unlocked route again?

We weren’t that sure that this was the best way to for Nokia to get a foot on US soil what with the distinct ignorance/hate for Symbian. It may have to be a “shock and awe” offensive with MeeGo, which for the rest of the market too has to be extraordinary to be taken seriously.

Something else that’s interesting. To join the ridiculous naming that HTC, Samsung and Motorola have so blessed the north American Market with the likes of “Vibrant, Captivate, Incredible, Bravo” Nokia apparently had some silly names of their own trademarked (back in May 2010)  “Allure, Temptation, Preview, Relate, and Stimulus.”

Yeah I’m not so much a fan of post code names but stupid nonsense names are even worse. Though they may be easier to remember.


cheers @vipin124 for the heads up!


Category: Rumours

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