

Reddit says new Apple iPod Nano looks like Nokia Lumia. Twitter too.

| September 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

As much as some people feel annoyed at the mention of Apple on a Nokia blog, it’s part and parcel of being a Nokia blogger to talk about the competition. The one always mentioned is of course, Apple. Today however, lots of people, who aren’t Nokia bloggers – just general members of the public, are talking about Nokia whilst mentioning Apple.

Not so much iPhone but the new iPod, which Ali mentioned looks like the Nokia Lumia. Well, to be fair, some say that the N9/800 may have gotten cues from the older nano. ElMu certainly thinks so – it was one of his first comments about the N9. But now the world thinks that Apple has gotten a lot of cues from Lumia.

Image edited by Reddit, from TheVerge

Reddit seems to think so and it’s their top 3 news item on the front page. Reddit recognition is huge. It’s the front page of the internet (:p) lol.

I think Apple knew it looks like the Lumia by making the glass border bezel white on all of the colours except the black one. Otherwise, yeah, it would just look like a Lumia.

General members of the twitter public (possibly less techy aware than Reddit) are also making this point too.

Do I care that Apple is supposedly copying Nokia Lumia? No not really. Some say it looks like a Zune.

What I think is great is how people are recognising the Nokia Lumia design.

Samsung isn’t too far away though. For some reason they’ve purchased results for this search term :/

Either way, it’s nice of Apple to reinforce how cool the Nokia Lumia designs are. (Also, how are folks spinning the 16:9 screen now…I thought 4:3 was meant to be perfect).


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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