

My Dream Nokia #77: Nokia Lumia Play, Xbox Phone WP8 Concept

| December 29, 2012 | 0 Comments


Possibly one of the final My Dream Nokia’s for 2012, this is a much anticipated phone concept by many. A Nokia Xbox phone for MDN #77, the Nokia Lumia Play (could have been Play 360 but Nokia already has that product :p).

The first picture above shows the two modes. It’s not dual screen, but it does have dual sliders popping out either side (perhaps a little like the N95 in some sense) where gaming buttons appear, D-pad on the left, XYAB buttons on the right.

It’s quite a striking design when you look through all the images. The angular nature looks very sci-fi futuristic, quite ‘Xbox-esque’ (at least the old one, hence old logo) whilst the bright colours sing out loud that this is Nokia Lumia.

I do also really love the glowing XBox Logo.

Despite such a form factor possibly being thick, it seems impossibly thin at 7.6mm.

  • – The Lumia PLAY is powered by Microsoft´s XBOX ®, and it is possible to use your phone as a gamepad when playing in a XBOX 360;
  • – It features a high definition, 1136×640 resolution, touchscreen with Corning ® Gorilla ® Glass;
  • – It also has a front 5MP camera capable of recording 720p videos and on the back it has a 10MP, Full-HD camera;
  • – The Nokia Lumia PLAY runs Windows Phone 8;
  • – Dimensions: 124 x 59x 7.6 mm

Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_2 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_3 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_4 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_5

Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_6 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_7 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_8 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_9 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_10 Nokia_Lumia_Play_concept_11


I’d love for Nokia to produce THE Nokia Lumia Xbox phone. That would catapult it to an enormous amount of recognition. Although it would mean that we’d be expecting some very decent Xbox titles (not just phone versions though some look awesome). Imagine Halo for Nokia? :p Though I’d suspect the other partners might not like this. Perhaps it’s something MS themselves would try :/.

Source: behance


Via: Concept phones Via: ST



Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, Lumia, Nokia

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