

My Dream Nokia #78: Nokia Lumia 888 E QWERTY WP8 concept

| December 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

MNB6.2 MNB02

Edgar Mkrtchyan’s newest concept is the Nokia Lumia 888 E, a portrait QWERTY powered Windows Phone 8 Nokia.

The last high end QWERTY smartphones were the Eseries devices, and so it’s quite fitting it has an E to its name. The 888 moniker fits with the aim of the design to be shaped like an 8. Specs wise, it’s down to earth and realistic for this type of device.

Is the candybar QWERTY dead? No, not yet. BlackBerry still sells these (albeit declining) as do Nokia with their basic Asha QWERTY. It’s always nice to have the option, no? Now whether WP8 will work with QWERTY (especially portrait) is another issue. WP has had keyboard form factors before (albeit sliding).

to introduce this concept, it is not the biggest not the most powerful, I just wanted to invent a phone with a physical keyboard reusing design my Lumia 707. To accompany these images I made a little video, but the concept is less beautiful than the pictures because the software simplifies textures …
 Mkrtchyan Edgar MNB55 MNB44 MNB33 MNB8


Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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