

Gadget Show (UK) compares the top 3 High End Smartphones (the Loving Nokia Lumia 920, hating on the iPhone 5)

| January 3, 2013 | 0 Comments



The gadget show looks at the top 3 high end smartphones in the UK, which includes the Nokia Lumia 920 along with the iPhone 5 and HTC One X (Surprised no SGSIII). The design of the 920 is loved, but the weight is apparently an issue.

What kills me is that when going on to speak about the special camera in the Nokia Lumia 920, they say it’s because it has DUAL LED. I think I died a little inside there. The Gadget show. Gadget.

The picture quality really pleased them. HTC was ok and the iPhone stood out! But for all the wrong reasons. The iPhone stood out because, apparently, it had the most bland colours. The photographs don’t stand out, there’s no life in the pictures.

Looking at the innards, the gadget show loved the Nokia’s tile system. They think it, it does it. Jason liked the OneX but pretty much on paper due to the specs (quadcore). Polly liked its functionality. It’s big, easy, big icons, colourful, can’t go wrong.

Battery wise, the HTC lasted a lot longer. The iPhone 5 is supposedly really bad. The Nokia’s innovations are supposedly charging ahead, with wireless charging praised as a genius idea.

On call quality, they’re finding a design flaw with the call speaker. iPhone 5 is an absolute nightmare apparently.

iPhone 5 gets GGG for No innovation and poor battery life.

HTC wins GGGG due to its processor.

Nokia also snaps GGGG, nearly 5. User experience with wireless charging is ace, but lacking apps and a bit too heavy (if only they knew about the other cool stuff, like Super Sensitive Screen, PureMotion HD+ and PureView 2 OPTICAL IMAGE STABILISATION! Are these not written clearly enough on the boxes?

Thanks Grazy for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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