

ZDNet: Nokia Lumia 1020 vs 808 PureView vs HTC One vs Nokia Lumia 925 (Spoiler: 1020 wins)

| July 28, 2013 | 87 Replies

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The other title I was going to go for was “Nokia Lumia 1020 confirms its place as the best camera”. I found this article after searching for a comparison between the HTC One and 1020. A reader tipped us of a different story where commenters seemed to post the same positive canned phrase about the One whilst dissing the 1020, with some strange ones saying the HTC had more detail (not to mention missing the whole zoom/oversampling capabilities that goes with that sensor) and no one would print poster sized things. Oh, you Android brigade.

This popped up on the results first. Here’s Matthew Miller from ZDNet.

I think it is pretty clear that the Nokia Lumia 1020 confirms its place as the best camera and I was impressed by the improvements I saw over the 808 PureView (better low light/shadow performance, in particular).

HTC one is a good camera phone, but like GSM Arena said, the 1020 41mp pureview is in a class of its own.  No other high end camera phone comes close. Aka, the HTC One comes no where near the 1020 in terms of camera. That’s not a diss at the HTC One as a phone, it’s just the results people are getting in terms of the much hyped UltraPixel.

This particular test isn’t a scientific one btw.

I come at this from a consumer point of view where most are pleased with the performance of the Apple iPhone.

We’d recommend looking at this link below for now, although even we might say they’re a bit too harsh on the One.

The point is, PureView>Ultrapixel. That’s all I’m arguing for.

808 vs 1020 is less pressing for me because that’s Nokia vs Nokia, and one where the other is discontinued and the other is new and about to be on sale to the world. I understand 808 fans still want either a) 808 recognition b) the bitter ones just want a WP Nokia trampled for whatever reason.

What we’re interested in is Nokia vs the competition, and here time and time again, they are saying Nokia is better.


I’d like to see someone argue that the 1020 has less detail than the 4MP HTC One.

Here’s the article which I may discuss in a separate future post. I don’t quite understand why they don’t look at the full photo thumbnail and then 100% crop vs 31.5% crop for the 1020 and 75% crop for the One.

It is frustrating because this misrepresents what can be done with the reframing and post zooming into the high detail possible on the 1020.


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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