

Massive queues for Nokia Lumia 920 in China

| December 23, 2012 | 55 Replies



It’s always a pleasant sight to see people queueing up for Nokia. Or even just showing interest to Nokia products (such as hovering over a Lumia on display at a phone shop).

Below we can see one of the few Nokia shops in China packed with people interested in the Nokia Lumia 920. Now whilst this isn’t indicative of any sales in China, it’s still always nice to see, especially since the Nokia Lumia 920 is totally worth all this attention.

The Nokia Lumia 920 sold out in 2 hours apparently. Well, that would be easy if stock was low, no? :p

20121223_162223_136 20121223_162226_551 20121223_162356_631Source: NokiaHighDemand

Cheers  viktor von d. for the tip.



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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