
Tag: C7

Videos: Nokia C7 Sample Videos 720p HD Video Tests

Videos: Nokia C7 Sample Videos 720p HD Video Tests

| October 27, 2010 | Reply

Advertisements Now before you watch this, I think it’s important to note that like the N8, the uncovered camera glass on the C7 (is it glass? Well whatever it is) is prone to finger prints/smudges/grease which if left unwiped very easily DESTROYS your image/video quality. It takes a second to wipe but remembering to do […]

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Video: PhoneArena's Nokia C7 Review

Video: PhoneArena's Nokia C7 Review

| October 27, 2010 | 4 Replies

PhoneArena reviews the Nokia C7 on YouTube. Like the N8 it runs Symbian^3 so expect similar operations. The major differences though are mainly physical. C7 is a fingerprint magnet from glossy fascia, glossy edges and camera on the back Beautiful display, colours very saturated and punchy Similar viewing experience to N8 Three softkeys – we […]

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Video: Nokia C7 vs Nokia N8 hands on

Video: Nokia C7 vs Nokia N8 hands on

| October 24, 2010 | 12 Replies

Here’s a video (in Russian BTW) showing the new Nokia C7 with the also quite new Nokia N8. Both run Symbian^3 with 3.5″ screens. Processor, GPU and RAM are all identical (as are all current S^3 devices) [YOUTUBE=] via 3BEPbEnokia

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Nokia C7 has secret NFC chip inside

Nokia C7 has secret NFC chip inside

| October 20, 2010 | 10 Replies

[youtube=] RegHardware reports that the Nokia C7 has a secret Near Field Communication chip inside. Nokia has been known to randomly slip in easter eggs into their handset – e.g. FM radio receiver in the N800/Accelerometer in the N95. Nokia will apparently announce soon what they plan to do with this ability. God knows, Nokia […]

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All New Nokia C7 Has Begun Shipping! (Video!)

All New Nokia C7 Has Begun Shipping! (Video!)

| October 11, 2010 | Reply

According to Nokia Conversations, the Nokia C7 announced under a month a go in Nokia World has begun shipping! Combining stainless steel and glass in a sleek, full touch design, the Nokia C7 features a 3.5 inch AMOLD display and looks absolutely stunning! The estimated retail price of the Nokia C7 is EUR 335 before […]

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Gallery and Poll: Nokia E7 versus Samsung Galaxy S (versus Nokia N8). CBD AMOLED vs SUPER AMOLED (vs AMOLED)

Gallery and Poll: Nokia E7 versus Samsung Galaxy S (versus Nokia N8). CBD AMOLED vs SUPER AMOLED (vs AMOLED)

| September 28, 2010 | 1,364 Replies

Thanks to NeNoRmAl for the heads up on this article from a fantastic Russian site bringing great coverage on these upcoming Nokia devices, All of Nokia’s big screen AMOLEDs versus Sammy’s Galaxy S (above) [polldaddy poll=3833438] The poll is somewhat arbitrary and unfair given that the majority of votes will be based on secondary […]

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Video: Nokia C7 "HD" TV out over 3.5mm jack?

Video: Nokia C7 "HD" TV out over 3.5mm jack?

| September 27, 2010 | 15 Replies

The Nokia N8 as you know outputs 720p HD over HDMI. But the C7 lacks HDMI out, only having the standard multifunctional 3.5mm audio-visual jack. Unlike previous Symbian devices, you aren’t stuck on 640×360. You are in fact, upscaled to as close to “HD” as you can get over an analogue signal. It’s difficult to […]

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Nokia N8 and Nokia E7 versus Samsung Galaxy S. E7 CBD AMOLED vs G-S Super Amoled.

Nokia N8 and Nokia E7 versus Samsung Galaxy S. E7 CBD AMOLED vs G-S Super Amoled.

| September 25, 2010 | 62 Replies

The case of the Nokia N8 teaches us to be weary of extremely early, leaked ranting “reviews” of prototype, unannounced phones. Remember the lack of info o the powerful broadcom GPU? Which we now know is class leading? The putting down of the supposedly standard, nothing special camera? Which we know now to be the […]

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Pictures: Nokia N8 vs Nokia E7 vs Nokia C7 comparison like you've never seen them before

Pictures: Nokia N8 vs Nokia E7 vs Nokia C7 comparison like you've never seen them before

| September 18, 2010 | 14 Replies

At Nokia World 2010, Nokia made sure you knew who was dealing with which handsets by giving them all labelled shirts. I wanted one! On the way out to see Mr Elop’s speech I asked some of the demonstrators during the day for a group photo. This is about 1/3 or half of them and […]

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