

More MeeGo phones on the way from Nokia’s next billion? MeeGo-Lite? Meltemi?

| March 28, 2012 | 0 Comments


I skim read an article earlier which seems apparently indicated that Nokia were working on two MeeGo phones. They cite a Nokia ‘industry insider’  for this information.

According to an industry insider Nokia is working on 2 new low end MeeGo handsets, and information was recieved directly from Nokia’s Next Billion Group.

MeeGo? Perhaps Harmattan to Meltemi?  It follows the Wind names of the previous Maemo Linux OSes..

Now we have strong reasons to believe that project Meltemi is alive. We have heard many rumours, and followed many hints by key Nokia staff as to what Meltemi might be. It was last seen mentioned in code, with Qt for Meltemi.

Let’s recap what we already know/rumoured

  • Qt is expected to power Nokia’s phones for the next billion.
  • Next billion is the lower end scale, bringing internet access to the next billion users.
  • Future of S40 is where next billion will be.
  • No Qt yet on S40.
  • Support for Symbian is expected to last until 2016.
  • N9 is the ‘last MeeGo’ device (though technically still not MeeGo).
  • That leaves the task to be a Qt platform for something else.
  • Smarterphone – Linux based, recent purchase from Nokia. What will it be used for?
  • What we might still see is a Linux smartphone evolved from Maemo roots. You might call it MeeGo lite.
  • Meltemi can scale to both low end and high end.
  • Low end handsets from Nokia already have 1GHz CPU.
  • Swipe style to come lower end handsets (via Ahtisaari)
  • Asha with Linux?
Older Meltemi posts.
From the last link, a comment by Antti Vasara, Nokia’s SVP Mobile Phones.

Good points! You are listing some of the things that we indeed plan on fixing.

Making affordable phones that give smartphone-LIKE experiences involves making sometimes even painful trade-offs between different features and cost. We can do anything but not everything at the same time – that’s the essence of product making.

What we offer in the current Nokia Asha products is a nice combo of applications, Internet experience and contemporary services. Through our Store, people all
over the world are downloading more than 3.5 million apps per day. We have put lot of emphasis on providing locally relevant apps so that you can find what is
meaningful in your part of the world. However, we also have some of the global phenomenons like Angry Birds available on Asha as well. On the Internet experience side we are very proud of the Nokia Browser. It gives people access to the full web yet doing that in a cost-effective way. The browser can compress data
traffic by upto 90% ensuring that your phone bill doesn’t explode. And the specific services we offer like Facebook, Twitter, QQ, Foursquare, Maps, email, etc.
give people the tools that most of us are using on a regular basis.

We hear you loud and clear on your request for more. Rest assured that we are working very hard to bring many new experiences and cool stuff to Asha throughout this year!

Going a little leftfield, what about Meltemi for tablets?

McDowell is in charge of next billion.

Reviving some of those old far fetched rumours and putting on my conspiracy hat. Remember Nokia HQ staying in Finland as long as Elop is CEO? If no smartphone division then Nokia would be all about mobile phones. Headed by Mcdowell. Then Nok Conv musing on whether McDowell could be first woman CEO of Nokia in a whole post about McDowell.

Nok Conv recently promoting Mary, asking for votes (like we did) as she was nominated in a top 10 mobile movers.

Cheers Remco and Sherjee278  for the tip


Category: Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia

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