

China Mobile lists the Nokia Lumia 1000? Nokia Lumia EOS/Catwalk?

| February 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

china mobileIt could be a mistake, or it could be a rather premature spilling of new Nokia device news.

The first 4 digit Lumia, the Nokia Lumia 1000 apparently appeared on China Mobile’s handset listings. It could be anything from a simple typo or something very exciting.

It would be a whole extra tier 10xx above the usual flagship range, 9xx. Nokia Lumia EOS or Catwalk, Aluminium PureView 41MP goodness?

What digit designation do you think those rumoured devices will have? Stay in the 9XX range or move up the scale?

Update: You guys have also noted the presence of the 910, 719 and 730. There’s also the 822, specifically for Verizon, no?

Source: Via: WMPU



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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