

Rumours: Nokia EOS – v1 July Launch? Engineering miracle shell cramming huge sensor in deceptively slim profile

| May 23, 2013 | 0 Comments

Nokia EOS

It’s getting to be that time again where the littlest bits of information get feasted upon. Some ‘more’ information have sprouted regarding the EOS (or at least version 1 of it. From the last post based on the reader conversations they mention something dsmobile said about there possibly being two devices. EOS 1 and real EOS later in the year? :/)

Anyway, the news is that it’s

  • being launched on July 9th. 
  • An engineering miracle with how Nokia managed to fit such a huge sensor in a relatively slim shell – possibly thinner than the 920 due to the way the edges have tapered. The bulge protrudes but not enough so as the design is able to mask it. At no point are we said to be able to feel the bulk.
  • New camera interface – Nokia Camera Pro with full manual controls


Source:  WMPU Via


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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