

Rumours: Symbian Belle Trio, Nokia 600, Nokia 700 and Nokia 701 to be announced August 23-26 at Hong Kong Nokia event??

| August 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Let’s recap on the news of the upcoming handsets. The Nokia 600, Nokia 700 and Nokia 701 have all received FCC approval.

The Nokia 500 which also received FCC approval within days of the others has already been announced. Rumours have already suggested these Belle handsets would appear by September, with commenters saying sources on Mobile-Review gave a date around August 24 – or last week of August.

Well now Jade who’s looking after Norman John’s Symbian-World (whilst he’s working at Nokia) has been invited to an event in Hong Kong – occuring 23rd to the 26th August.

Jade gives no specifics as to what’s happening, but it’s not hard to put together bringing a blogger of one of the remaining Symbian blogs to an event, no?

As Viipottaja suggests/confirms, “Yup, 600, 700 and 701. And Belle.”

Source: Symbian-World

Cheers for the tip, mprince


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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