
Category: Applications

Video: Nokia Pro Cam running on Lumia 925

Video: Nokia Pro Cam running on Lumia 925

| August 7, 2013 | 18 Replies

Advertisements Nokia Pro Cam is Nokia’s advanced Camera App that was announced alongside the Lumia 1020 is said to be coming to the Lumia 92X series (920/925/928). However, if you’re like me, you don’t like waiting for things. If you currently have Amber on one of these devices (in fact any WP8 running Lumia Amber […]

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Whatsapp for WIndows Phone Updated With Voice Chat

Whatsapp for WIndows Phone Updated With Voice Chat

| August 7, 2013 | 18 Replies

Whatsapp for WIndows Phone has just received a feature update (surprisingly it doesn’t require you to actually update the app itself), that allows you to send instant voice messages to your contacts. A new microphone option appears next to the text input that starts recording instantly and sends the message as soon as your done […]

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Lumiapps: TweeCoMinder for #WP8 – Track your tweet count

Lumiapps: TweeCoMinder for #WP8 – Track your tweet count

| August 4, 2013 | 1 Reply

Over the past 6 weeks, I’ve been fortunate enough to be on the beta of an app called TweeCoMinder. As an avid tweeter, this was a pretty cool app to have. What the app does, is tracks your tweet count and will notify you when you are close to a certain count. For example, some […]

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Video: Quick look at #6tagram Beta for WP8

Video: Quick look at #6tagram Beta for WP8

| August 4, 2013 | 11 Replies

The beta for 6tagram, Rudy Huyn’s Instagram client finally went live, and we are fortunate enough to be on the beta list. I’ve quickly put together a little hands-on look at the first release and hot damn is it promising! Besides the fact it looks good, it is pretty much 1-1 with Instagram on iOS […]

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Instagram Uploads Come to Asha/S40 Thanks to Instagraph!

Instagram Uploads Come to Asha/S40 Thanks to Instagraph!

| August 3, 2013 | 18 Replies

Instagram has always been called out as an “important” social network and as a “must have” on your phone by its fans, many avoiding WP for the single fact that it doesn’t have it. Well now not only does  WP have multiple Instagram clients, but Nokia’s low end low cost OS does too! Instagraph (the […]

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Samsung Releases Exclusive Folders for Start Screen App; Take Note Microsoft

Samsung Releases Exclusive Folders for Start Screen App; Take Note Microsoft

| August 2, 2013 | 18 Replies

One of the features that users have been clamoring for in the upcoming releases of Windows Phone would have to be a folders option, right alongside the need for a notification center. Surprisingly Samsung are the first to come up with a solution to this situation with their exclusive “App Folder” (for Samsung WPs/Atvis). The […]

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Rudy Huyn’s 6tagram Instagram Client to be Officially Supported by Instagram

Rudy Huyn’s 6tagram Instagram Client to be Officially Supported by Instagram

| August 2, 2013 | 7 Replies

The never ending Instagram on Windows Phone controversy has just gotten a whole lot more interesting, Rudy Huyn, developer of 6sec (vine client) and the winner of the WP App Maddness has been sharing some interesting news about his latest project 6tagram on twitter. From what I (and others have gathered) Instagram have been in […]

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Instagram Service via Instance and Others Partially Resumed, Deleted Photos Restored

Instagram Service via Instance and Others Partially Resumed, Deleted Photos Restored

| July 31, 2013 | 6 Replies

Yesterday WP users were dealt a blow when the popular Instagram alternative “instance” was pretty much blocked from posting as all new images were being immediately deleted and multiple users had their previously uploaded pictures removed. Apparently the issue was due to some new API restrictions and changes on instagram’s part, that have thankfully been […]

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Nokia Glam Me gets a hefty update, gains Lumia 52x support

Nokia Glam Me gets a hefty update, gains Lumia 52x support

| July 31, 2013 | 11 Replies

Nokia Glam Me is a great app with  lens support for taking selfies, held back if only by the resulting image quality, the app provides lots of amazing adjustments exclusively for Nokia Lumia. Today Nokia just released a huge update for it with a full change log to go with it.        Perhaps the […]

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