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Nokia WP apps not confined to Nokia devices only?

Nokia WP apps not confined to Nokia devices only?

| July 2, 2011 | 96 Replies

Advertisements How about starting your weekend with a bit of riot worthy news? Pocket-lint is reporting that the apps Nokia create for Windows Phone are also going to be available on devices from their competitors like HTC and Samsung. Pocket-lint had an interview with Marco Argenti, senior vice president of Developer and Marketplace at Nokia […]

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Nokia C5-00 5MP, revamped C5.

Nokia C5-00 5MP, revamped C5.

| June 29, 2011 | 27 Replies

With all the news about the N9 and leaked Belle prototype units the news about an improved C5-00 has passed us by a bit. Nokia didn’t really make a whole load of fuss about it either since it was quitly launched through their press channel. However the way this new and improved C5 came into […]

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LEAK: Nokia RM-701 (N5??) With Symbian Belle?

LEAK: Nokia RM-701 (N5??) With Symbian Belle?

| June 27, 2011 | 66 Replies

  Here is something interesting, the upcoming Nokia N5. It’s a full touchscreen device with hardware buttons like the C6 and C7: Call/End Call and menu button(s). Looking at the photo’s alone it seems to come with an updated version of Symbian which looks very much like the pictures we’ve seen of Symbian Belle, but […]

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Large batch of new S40 phones coming?

Large batch of new S40 phones coming?

| June 14, 2011 | 21 Replies

A couple of days back we received a tip from Janimatik with a large list of UA profiles. Unfortunatly it isn’t a new batch of Symbian 3 phones, the pair of MeeGo phones or an early leak of the first Windows Phone. The list consists of S40 type variants, mainly the C2 and X2. These […]

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OVI Store v2.08.042 being pushed out

OVI Store v2.08.042 being pushed out

| June 8, 2011 | 77 Replies

Remember the post a few weeks ago about a new OVI store? No? Well you’re forgiven, because the update was apparantly quickly pulled due to some unforseen cicrumstances, whatever they may have been. Those unknown wrongs have now been undone and the OVI store is now being rolled out. This version (2.08.042) is supposed to […]

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Tomi Ahonen’s market analysis Q1

Tomi Ahonen’s market analysis Q1

| June 6, 2011 | 59 Replies

  With all the numbers about market share flying around the internet there is one source that is always worth a read; Tomi Ahonen’s blog. Not a person to post half baked stuff, he has posted his analysis for the first qaurter of 2011 based on the numbers of all major research houses. There is […]

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Nokia closing online shops in France, Spain and the Netherlands

Nokia closing online shops in France, Spain and the Netherlands

| June 2, 2011 | 10 Replies

Nokia closed their online shops in France, Spain and the Netherlands as of 31st of May. In those three countries potential Nokia buyers no longer have the ability to buy straight from Nokia. Nokia has not given a reason as to why the shops are closed but presumably it wasn’t profitabel anymore to keep them […]

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Nokia wins in Apple patent war, a bit at least

Nokia wins in Apple patent war, a bit at least

| May 29, 2011 | 11 Replies

If you’ve been following the whole patent wars over the past couple of months you might remember Apple that was sueing a lot of other companies and in turn Apple was sued by those same companies for different things. One of the bigger lawsuits was one between Nokia and Apple, more info can be found […]

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Nokia India: iDoalotmore?

Nokia India: iDoalotmore?

| May 27, 2011 | 33 Replies

While browsing the usual techsites during some time of doing nothing my interest was drawn by, well, a cheap shot by Nokia. Their departement in India started a new marketing campaign that’s called: iDoalotmore. It is good to see Nokia advertising their features, there is no one that can deny the fact that Symbian has […]

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